Hannah Nielsen » Documentary Family Photographer Seattle Portland and Worldwide

You Make Me So Very Happy.

This week I had a shoot.  My favorite kind.   A couple.  I’ve been wanting to write about them all week, but haven’t had the words.

This couple was genuine, sweet, a little shy.   They have a daughter.  Cutest little thing.  2 years old.  But this shoot wasn’t about her.  This time it was about them.  They stepped away from their busy lives full of parenting, conducting surgeries, representing musicians, and attending graduate school.  They stepped away for one hour and they spent this hour with me.  They shared their relationship with me.   When people take time from their lives to work with me, I pay attention.

He was tentative at first.  But he laughed a lot. He climbed down on some rocks even though his back was hurting from yard work the day before.   He played my silly games.  He answered all of my questions.  Their eyes crinkled up the same when when they smiled.

And when I looked through their images a few minutes ago, I felt happy.  Every piece of me felt happy.


Because these two can love how they love, and be a family.  They can do their yard work, and raise their daughter.  And their eyes can crinkle up the same when they smile.  I am so glad.  The world would be missing something if they couldn’t.





This shoot was one in a series of shoots I’m doing for a project called “In Any Form”.  I am looking for models for future shoots in this series.   If you are in a committed relationship and are gay, lesbian, a mixed race couple, alternative, older, or any other “non-traditional” couple and you’d be interested in being included, please contact me directly at info@hannahdphotography.com with the subject “In Any Form”.

  • April 16, 2012 - 12:36 pm

    Anne Moore - I love how you love, dear one! beautiful…

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