Hannah Nielsen » Documentary Family Photographer Seattle Portland and Worldwide

5 on 5 – August – Portland Documentary Family Photography

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you’ll remember Stories in Seven. After a year of that project, I was really sad when that group decided to bring the blog circle to an end. It was such a motivator for me and I learned a lot about my own shooting style. It’s sometimes hard to narrow down my images, so having a set number that I was allowed to share forced me to be more purposeful in the way I chose to shoot a story.

BUT, along comes 5 on 5! It’s a similar concept with an all new group of photographers (well, new to me! Some of them have been at this awhile!). I was super grateful to be included and am so excited to get started. 5 on 5 is a blog circle made up of documentary family photographers who have committed to telling a story in 5 images on the 5th of each month.

This is the story of the hose. Every time we go over to Nana and Papa’s house we bring a change of clothes. There’s something magical (and messy!) about being allowed to run free in their yard and garden. There’s dirt and plants and rocks and mud and the hose…Bennett has only recently figured out how to turn it on and maneuver it himself. And he is SO proud!

documentary family photography boy with sprinklerPIN documentary family photography boy with sprinklerPIN documentary family photography drinking from the hosePIN documentary family photography splashing in the kiddie poolPIN documentary family photography playing in the waterPIN

Be sure to follow the 5 on 5 circle to see the other photographers’ August storytelling! You can start by visiting Iowa birth and documentary family photographer, Melissa Clark of Heart Shot Photo

  • August 5, 2016 - 4:29 am

    Jenny - WOW!!! Hannah these photos capture an amazing moment in your son’s life. I love them especially the second photo. Great job and so glad to have you as part of this circle!ReplyCancel

    • August 5, 2016 - 8:59 pm

      Hannah - Thank you, Jenny! So thankful to be included with this talented crew!ReplyCancel

  • August 5, 2016 - 5:57 am

    Nicole - These are so beautiful Hannah! Love the first one!ReplyCancel

    • August 5, 2016 - 8:58 pm

      Hannah - Thank you, Nicole!ReplyCancel

  • August 5, 2016 - 6:10 am

    Melissa - We love grandma’s house, and you’re right, there’s a freedom there. Just the other day we were there and I found myself shining a flashlight into a wood pile, as my 5 year old tried to catch frogs.ReplyCancel

    • August 5, 2016 - 8:58 pm

      Hannah - YES!! There’s nothing better than exploring with the littles <3ReplyCancel

  • August 5, 2016 - 6:27 am

    Jennifer Krafchik - It’s nice to meet you Hannah, welcome to the circle! I love your set of images, especially the third and fifth! You really captured some great moments and I love the story you tell.ReplyCancel

    • August 5, 2016 - 8:58 pm

      Hannah - Thank you, Jennifer! This is such a fun group!ReplyCancel

  • August 5, 2016 - 8:12 am

    Melissa Kayser - I loved this story Hannah! Your point of view is fantastic and the details I see through your shots are awesome. So glad to have you on board with us and looking forward to all you document for your family this year with your storytelling!ReplyCancel

    • August 5, 2016 - 8:57 pm

      Hannah - Thank you, Melissa! I’m excited to be a part of this talented group!ReplyCancel

  • August 7, 2016 - 3:02 pm

    Margaret - Ha! His face! Precious!ReplyCancel

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