Hannah Nielsen » Documentary Family Photographer Seattle Portland and Worldwide

A Day in the Life of the Stephens Family – Portland Documentary Family Photography

Let me just say, I’ve been dying to get my camera on this sweet family FOREVER. And I was so not disappointed. It’s hard to describe the feeling of being with them on a regular Saturday morning. There wasn’t much drama or wildness. Yes, there were silly moments, but even those held a sort of calm. And there’s an energy between them all. A slow buzz beneath the surface. This sensation of just being happy and excited about life and each other. And there was dancing. Oh, was there dancing! It was an honor to be invited in to document their family.

If you follow this blog at all, you know what a hard time I have narrowing down Day in the Life sessions to share with you. This one is no exception. I really want to tell the whole story, every detail. So to reduce from several hundred is really really hard. And in this case, I had the incredibly talented Rachel Cathleen Photography along for a mentorship. Which equals more magical moments captured. So that’s my long winded way of saying I’m sorry (but not sorry) for sharing so many!

Thank you Becky, Jim, Alice and Willa for being yourselves for us. We hope you love your images!

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